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When Love Calls Page 2

  “Well, if you were me, wouldn’t you be eager to see you?” Josh took a full surveillance of my body, and I was happy to let him. His gaze lingered at the curves beneath the thin fabric of my dress before meeting my gaze. “You look incredible!” Josh nodded his approval as he drank in every detail of my frame again.

  “Thanks. You look amazing too.” It wasn’t a lie. He looked delicious actually, but that would probably have been inappropriate to say out loud. I took proper pause and perused his frame and felt my pouty lips curl into a seductive smile. Today he wore a crisp white button down, charcoal gray slacks and black Cole Haan shoes. Mmm…sleek and sexy. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and allowed my mind to wander beneath those clothes into uncharted territory before I snapped myself back to reality. Even though the afternoon’s events had left me wanting, I was willing myself not to go there with Josh. After all, he was supposed to represent my first attempt at turning over a new leaf. Do not give away your cookie tonight!! I fed myself a few words of encouragement. Be strong. I looked up to find Josh giving me an inquisitive gaze. Sexy ass! I resisted the urge to turn my nose up. He looked so good he made me make ugly faces.

  “You okay?” he asked as he placed a hand on my bare shoulder. Soft, strong hands. I shook the thoughts from my head again before responding.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for the flowers by the way.” I nodded toward the bouquet I still held in my hand.

  “Oh good, you got them. I called earlier, but I didn’t get an answer. We should probably get going” Josh said glancing down at his watch.

  I placed the flowers on the table next to the door and followed him to his Silver Nissan 370Z Coupe. And he drives a sports car? Erin do not give away your cookie, do not give away your cookie, do NOT…

  Hours later I slid from the bed of mangled sheets in search of my underwear. I’d gone against my own advice and let the cookie crumble. I had no regrets. Josh had lulled Miss Kitty’s roar to a purr, and it had been just what I needed. Sex with Josh was nothing like I’d expected. He was slow and gentle and I hadn’t been seduced in years, so I took full advantage. His style felt intimate and personal. There had been delicate caresses, and I could still feel the sensation of the slow exploration of his fingers across my flesh. It all felt new and unsettling, but one thing was certain, even now, as I recalled his tender touch and sweet kisses from my navel to my parted sea, a swell and ache was creeping between my thighs.

  I continued to grope in the dark as I ran my fingers through the lush carpet in search of my missing underwear. “Mmmm . . . now that’s a sight I could get used to,” Josh said with the rasp of sleep still in his voice. I looked back slowly and gave him a smirk as I watched him make his way across the bed in my direction. I feigned disinterest as I pretended to look for my panties. I heard him rip open a condom and put it on. Calling to him with the curves of my supple silhouette, I stretched and arched. I swept my hair over my shoulder and took a peek to see if he was taking the bait. He was. Both Josh and his very present erection were now pressed against my ass. A soft moan escaped my lips as I felt the moisture condensing at my core. Josh grabbed my waist in his massive hands and spun me toward the bed with ease. My body met the mattress, and I gasped as I received the full brunt of his entry. My hands grasped for the sheets as he pressed deeper into my middle causing my body to jar forward. This wasn’t the same slow, seductive approach from earlier. This time his stroke was insistent and deliberate. I pulled up onto my elbows to gain some leverage as I matched his rhythm. He thrust forward and. I pushed back, grinding hard against his pelvis. I could feel the tingling sensation of climax as it grew closer, and now I was chasing it. Every pulse caused mounting pleasure. When I couldn’t take anymore, a hot spring erupted within me. My body went limp as I quaked quietly from within. I crawled back into bed and curled up under the sheets. Who needs panties?!

  Chapter One

  “So tell me about the date!” Amber had been waiting patiently as I rambled on about work and patients and a bunch of other things I knew she cared nothing about.

  “The date was... nice,” I said unsuccessfully stifling a grin. “We went to Quay and he arranged for us to have a private dining area. We had great conversation, which was a welcome change from most of the other guys I’ve dated. Then again, I don’t really care to hear them speak. Anyway, he is so smart and articulate. I think that turned me on more than the fact that he’s incredibly gorgeous! He was a true gentleman, opening doors, pulling out chairs and even standing when I got up to leave the table. I didn’t think guys did that anymore and truthfully, it felt a little corny to me but I like his corny! After dinner, we went walking on Navy Pier and listened to a live jazz band out by the water. Girl, he held me close and serenaded me softly in my ear. He was… sweet”

  I didn’t bother looking up. I could see Amber shaking her head in my peripheral, so I braced myself for what I knew was coming next. “This guy sounds decent, but maybe if you stopped playing with boys and dated more men you’d find a lot of them actually are smart, articulate, gentlemen. Anyway, so you went to Navy Pier, listened to jazz AND...” Amber goaded. “Did you let him give you a ‘ride home?” Amber burst into laughter at her pitiful joke. I looked up long enough to roll my eyes then returned my attention to the papers on the desk but when I felt the heat of Amber’s gaze blazing a hole in my head I blurted out, “Yes!! Are you happy now?”

  “The question is, are you happy now?” Amber retorted. “Why is it that you can never seem to keep your panties on long enough to get through the first date? You are something else!” She said shaking her head.

  If looks could kill, I swear she’d be dead. “See, that’s why I don’t tell you things Amber! You go straight into judgment mode.” Now I was the one shaking my head. What difference did it make to her what I did with my sex life?

  Amber sighed as she leaned in to reach for my hand. I resisted the urge to snatch it away and fixed my gaze on a blue jay perched outside my window. My fingers still tapped in annoyance beneath her palm. She gave my hand a gentle squeeze before saying, “Listen, I’m not judging. I just really wish you would pace yourself with these guys. We’re not in high school or college anymore. I know you’re an adult and can sleep with whomever you like. I’d just really like to see you happy and in love or at least in a committed relationship. You keep saying that’s what you want, but your actions don’t match your words.” I turned to see my friend looking at me in earnest. I knew she meant well even though she often went about things in all the wrong ways. We’d had this same conversation more times than I could count, and it always ended the same.

  I wasn’t up for it today so I ignored her words of concern and moved on. “We’re going out again this Friday…AND I have a date with a guy named Mike on Wednesday night!” At this point, I knew I was provoking Amber, and I didn’t really care. I was still waiting for the day that she would understand that I’m a grown woman and that she was not my mother! Amber got the hint, sat back in her seat and began scrolling through her phone. I was surprised she didn’t get up and leave, but we’d done this dance long enough to know that neither of us really meant any harm. Most of the time, I let her rant and paid it no mind, and today was no exception. Besides, I had other things on my mind.

  Just the mention of Mike took me back to our conversation last Saturday. I hadn’t been able to get him off my mind since our brief encounter in the parking lot so I’d made a “service” call. For a split second, I felt tacky for dialing his number so quickly after seeing Josh but then I thought about it. Shit, I’m single, and there’s nothing wrong with a girl keeping her options open.

  Mike told me he was a musician when he wasn’t rescuing damsels in distress via AAA and he also dabbled in automotive repair. So, I know he’s good with his hands. The fact that I wanted to know just how good, was what made me ignore my skepticism about his erratic employment situation. I’d dated guys who did less, so surely I could give Mike the benefit of the doubt.
br />   When he invited me to see him perform Wednesday night, I had to stifle my excitement before saying yes. I was more than ready to lay my eyes on his fine ass again. Truthfully since I’d had my little slip-up with Josh I figured I might as well test the waters with Mike too. I’ll turn over my new leaf next week. I assured myself.

  A rap on the door coaxed me back from my daydream. I barely glanced at Amber as I went to open the door. “What are you doing here?” Despite my tone, I was more surprised than agitated to see Josh standing there. I’ll have to let him know popping up at my job is a no-no.

  “You left these at my place and I thought you might want them back. Plus, I couldn’t have you thinking I was some perv who keeps women’s underwear,” he said flashing his sexy, crooked grin. I watched him pull out what looked like a pocket square, but as he dangled it in front of me I realized he was holding my lace boy shorts.

  As if I wasn’t already embarrassed enough, at that very moment I realized Amber was still sitting behind me. I felt heat flood my face as I snatched the shorts from his hand. Amber was on her feet and at the door just in time to see me shove the underwear in my pocket. “Amber, this is Josh. Josh, Amber.” I nodded respectively. Yep, this isn’t awkward at all.

  Amber extended her hand then quickly recoiled it. “Hi” She smiled stiffly. “I’d shake your hand, but you just pulled panties out of your shirt pocket! Anyway, nice to meet you, Josh. I hope to see you again under less awkward circumstances, I’ll leave you two alone now.” She scooted around him and mouthed to me, “You’re nasty,” behind his back before she walked off with a satisfied smirk on her face.

  Josh walked further into the office and closed the door behind him. “I apologize. I didn’t realize you had anyone in your office. I honestly couldn’t see past you.” He was doing it again. He was seducing me. I forced myself to maintain focus on our conversation to distract me from the thoughts slowly creeping into my mind.

  “It’s fine Josh. That was one of my best friends, Amber. I really wish I could stay and chat a while, but it’s time for me to start my rounds.”

  “I understand.” Josh turned to walk toward the door. I reached for his shoulder to stop him. “Wait, I didn’t get a chance to tell you what a great time I had the other night.” I eyed him with an unwavering gaze as I inched closer to him, leaned in and kissed him gently. His lips welcomed mine, and I closed my eyes as he made a trail of sweet, luxurious kisses from my cheek to the nape of my neck. His lips felt like satin as they grazed my skin. His touch had me feeling feverishly hot, and now I couldn’t give a damn about my rounds. Just when I was ready to beg him to take me right there on the desk, he pulled away.

  I felt dazed and confused as he placed one last kiss on my cheek before saying, “I’ll see you Friday Erin. Call me later if you can.”

  There I stood hot, and understandably bothered, staring at the door he’d closed behind him. This was the second time in two weeks that a man had walked away and left me wanting. What the hell? Am I losing my touch? I admonished internally. Wednesday night I’ll be taking back the upper-hand.


  On Wednesday, Mike showed up—in an actual shirt, I wouldn’t have objected if he’d shown up without one, but his fitted navy blue polo, dark jeans, and those familiar black boots suited him nicely. As I peeked around him, I saw the matte black BMW motorcycle parked in my driveway. There was a helmet strapped to the back that matched the one Mike had tucked beneath his arm. “Nice bike.” I deliberately continued to look past him at the bike. “So, are you expecting me to ride with you on that?”

  “Well, yeah unless you wanna drive me around in your Lex, but I was hoping we could go and check out the Taste of Chicago and maybe take a ride down Lake Shore Drive. It won’t be quite the same in your car, but if you’re scared, we…”

  “I’m not scared.” I interrupted. It was true. I wasn’t scared to ride. I’d ridden bikes before, but never with anyone I didn’t know. In fact, I knew the last man who had me straddling a bike knew me very well. He was my ex, and that was more than a decade ago.

  Before I could drift too far into my own psyche, Mike’s voice caressed my ear. “I promise I’ll take good care of you and I won’t go any faster than you want me to.” I shifted my focus to his face and locked onto his almond eyes as his smile crinkled them in the corners. He is just too sexy. Suddenly it felt like I was in for a long, torturous night. I knew how I wanted it to end, but there was the formality of the whole date thing in the way.

  When I realized, he was still waiting for me to give him the go ahead. I snatched the helmet from beneath his arm and sauntered toward the bike. “Ok.” I shouted over my shoulder.

  “Oh, so you’re just gonna take my helmet, huh? Well, the other one isn’t my size and trust me sweetheart, you want the driver to be able to see. So how about you let me have that back,” Mike grabbed the helmet from my grasp and slid it on, “And you take this one.” He unsnapped the second helmet from a strap on the seat.

  “Wait, what about your performance? I was really looking forward to hearing you play.”

  “Well, it’s still pretty early so if we get going we’ll still have time to make my performance too.” I studied what I could see of his face through his helmet, as my brow knit into a frown. Was not going to the performance an option? Wasn’t he the keyboard player? How would that work? He doesn’t sound too committed. Oh well, it’s his gig, and I’m not looking for him to commit to me so, whatever. He must have sensed my hesitance because he interrupted my silent thoughts again. “You good?”

  “Yeah! Let’s go.”

  “I don’t think that helmet is going to go on with your hair pinned back like that. Maybe you should take it down.” I couldn’t see his mouth, but the glint in his eyes spelled mischief. I pulled my hair out of the bun on the back of my head and shook it loose. Mike’s eyes widened for a split second, and I gave him a knowing look. “How’s this?” I asked and tossed my hair dramatically.

  “Yeah, that’s better. Now you look ready to have some fun!” Mike chuckled as he gently pulled the helmet down over my head and clicked my chin strap in place. He turned and swung his leg over the bike, and I followed his lead. It felt weird being on the back of a bike again, but for some reason I felt safe with Mike. It had been a long time since I’d had that feeling. Something about Mike quieted that looming sense of fear and replaced it with a foreign kind of peace. I wasn’t sure if or how long it would last but, for now, I was going to enjoy every moment.


  The Taste of Chicago was in full swing, when we arrived, with the smell of fresh grilled corn, seafood and barbecue that wafted along the lake breeze. “Wait here, I’ll go get us some tickets,” Mike said as he headed off toward the ticket booth. He returned with strings of tickets in both hands. “Alright, let’s do this!” I couldn’t help but grin. Look at him. Cheesing like a kid on Christmas.

  “Ok, what should we try first?” My eyes widened as I inventoried the array of vendors. I knew I wasn’t leaving here without hitting up the tent marked Girbou’s Gumbo. I needed to eat at least one ear of grilled sweet corn and we would have to find some good homemade lemonade to wash it all down. Just thinking about it got me excited.

  Somewhere in the middle of beef rib tips, fries and warm yeast rolls, Mike convinced me to let him pick what we’d try next. He mentioned something about helping me step out of my box and try new things. I kind of took that as a sign since it was what I was supposed to be doing anyway. I’d nodded between nibbles and watched him set aside sixteen tickets toward our food adventure.

  So far all the food was delicious, and I couldn’t resist teasing Mike a bit by sucking barbecue sauce from my fingers. “Mmm…sweet and sticky,” I lilted with a coy gaze.

  Mike just shook his head and laughed. “You really like to put it out there, huh?”

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” I pressed further.

  “It’s cool with me sweetheart and I’m far from uncomfortabl
e. I’m just…taking notice.” He matched my seductive gaze, and I knew he got my message this time loud and clear. Good. Some would say I had a tendency to be what could be considered forward or too direct, but in my life, I didn’t have time for playing games and beating around the bush. If I saw something I wanted, I went for it. Let the chips fall where they may.

  I watched as Mike polished off his yeast roll, and his expression changed from satisfaction to excitement. Without warning, he grabbed my hand and began pulling me through the milling crowd. I could tell he was on a mission as we zigzagged between booths toward a vendor who was selling frog legs.

  “Two orders please.” Mike said handing ten tickets to the attendant.

  My heart and my stomach dropped, but I tried to mask it as indifference and asked, “And who exactly is supposed to eat those?”

  “We are, woman! You said you would try something different and that I could pick, so I choose these. I haven’t ever had frog legs. Have you?” My stomach rolled instinctively, and I wondered if my face showed the angst my body felt. It’s just four puny little frog legs. I made an abysmal attempt at psyching myself up. The thought of consuming them made me squeamish. Vag up! You’re a doctor damn it! I took in a deep breath and refused to back down from Mike’s challenge. I can do this. People eat these all the time.